Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki
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Zapp Renfro (ザップ・レンフロ, Zappu Renfuro) is a hot-blooded, womanizing Libra member and master of the Big Dipper Blood Battle Style's Kagutsuchi branch, which allows him to manipulate his blood into blades and explosions. Despite him being very well trained, being the best pupil of the famed Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi, Zapp's juvenile actions often get him and the rest of Libra into trouble. He is Leonardo Watch's partner, and despite his attitude, he cares about him in some way. He is always trying to defeat Klaus in a battle but is always the one to lose.

He is voiced by Yoshimasa Hosoya in the vomic, Nakai Kazuya in the anime, and Ian Sinclair in the English dub. He is portrayed by Hiroki Ino in the stage play.


Zapp is a tall, lanky, man with dark skin and white hair. He typically wears a black, long-sleeved muscle shirt under a white jacket, white jeans and white shoes. He is often seen smoking a cigar.

In B3P Chapter 3, Zapp wore a black leather jacket, a long tattered scarf, white jeans, and black shoes. His hair was also longer.


A hotheaded, hypersexual punk, Zapp is easily annoyed and quick to lose his temper. His juvenile actions often get him and others into trouble. Despite this, he is supposedly good at looking after new members, and so was assigned as Leo's partner/bodyguard. He is also something of a ladies man, possessing several lovers in town. For reasons unknown, he regularly tries to fight Klaus to beat him, only to be routinely smacked down.


At some point in Zapp's life, he was attacked by a Blood Breed and gained the ability to use Blood Battle Techniques. He came under the mentorship of Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi, who trained him in the Kagutsuchi Branch of the Big Dipper Blood Battle Style. Raju's methods of training could be classified as torture, and ranged from shoving Zapp off a cliff to tying him to a cross and lighting it on fire.[1]

Outie 5000

Zapp makes his escape.

Nine days after the Great Collapse, Raju was intrigued by the reports that there were humans surviving in the new city. He decided to send Zapp to investigate -- by packing him in a box and shipping him to a random apartment building in Hellsalem's Lot. He ended up being delivered to Steven A. Starphase and Klaus von Reinherz, and immediately tried to kill them after they opened the box he was trapped in. After learning that Raju had sent him there to be killed or overworked, Zapp panicked and jumped out of the eleventh-story window.[2]

Finding himself in a park, Zapp realizes he's in New York and deduces that Klaus and Steven are fellow Fang Hunters, but dismisses their abilities. Deciding to grab some food before planning an escape, he becomes unnerved by the state of the city and questions why everyone is acting so normal, wondering if the mist or even a being is behind the behavior. As he walks through a crowd, a human suddenly warns him as a tentacles slaps him through the air. He's awoken by the human from earlier and his Beyondian friend, and is surprised by the pair's close friendship. Though the pair doesn't think much of it, Zapp remarks that their friendship is an anomaly, saying that with the changes in the city and half the population's disappearance, an invasion or war would be expected, not peace. At that moment, Zapp sees Barbarossa carrying Amnes through the street, and Barbarossa asks Zapp if outright killing would be more preferable to him. Barbarossa then vanishes, leaving him unnerved, as a second, larger Beyondian emerges from the one from earlier, agreeing with Zapp that war is the answer.[2]

Zapp urges the two civilian to run as he exchanges blows with his foe, though the Beyondian civilian protects his human friend from a lethal attack. Saying that it's been watching humanity and this side of the world, the evil being declares the time has come for his race's conquest, and will raze the world starting from the city. However, Zapp merely expresses agreement, relieved to have met someone that matches his expectations. He gleefully engages the being in battle, but quickly realizes how outclassed he is. Surprised by it's prowess, he remarks that if that being is the standard, then humanity is doomed. As he panics, Klaus and Steven arrive on the scene, teasing his overconfidence. After checking the nearby casualties, Klaus politely asks the two stop fighting, but is rebuffed by the being. While Zapp begs for help, the being mocks humanity's weaknesses, saying that they are helpless as the scales of the world's balance has been tipped. Klaus disagrees that humanity will simply tip the scale back, declaring it his mission to maintain that balance. The being dismisses him, but is immediately defeated by him and Steven. Though Zapp is annoyed by the pair hiding their skills, he decides to aid the pair on their mission, claiming self-interest to be his motivation, but is warmly welcomed by Klaus all the same.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Combat Prowess
  • Superhuman Speed: Zapp has superhuman speed and agility.

Unique Abilities[]

  • Big Dipper Blood Battle Style (斗流血法 Hikitsuboshiryū Keppō?): Kagutsuchi branch of the Big Dipper Blood Battle Style, which allows him to manipulate his blood into blades or thread, which he can then ignite to burn his opponents alive. This is called Big Dipper Blood Technique in the FUNimation dub.
    • Zapp using Big Dipper Style, Blade One Homuramaru

      Big Dipper Style Blade 1: Homuramaru

      Blade 1, Homuramaru (刃身ノ壱·焔丸 Jinshin no Ichi, Homuramaru?, literally "Blade Form 1, Flame Round"): Zapp emits then solidifies his blood into a sword.
      • Giant Serpent Halberd (大蛇薙 Orochi Nagi?): While moving at breakneck speed, Zapp slashes the opponent with the sword Homuramaru turning into a whip sword to shred the target with one strike. This is called Serpent Slayer in the FUNimation dub.
    • Blade Form Two, Sky-Slicing Strands (刃身の式·空斬糸  Jinshin no Shiki, Kūzanshi?): Zapp generates his blood into a web of string that can slice and ensnare opponents.
      • Seventh Hell (七獄 Shichi Goku?): The sword transforms into a thread that restrains the target and ignites the target through the thread, resulting in a large explosion. This keeps its name in the FUNimation dub.
      • Shining Winding Binding (赫綰縛 Kakuwanbaku?): Zapp uses the Sky-Slicing Strands to create a net that's capable of catching large objects. This keeps its name in the FUNimation dub.
    • Blade Form Four, Crimson Bone-Eaten (刃身ノ四・紅蓮骨喰 Jishin no Yon, Guren Honebami?): Zapp emits then solidifies his blood into a large, jagged-edged sword.
    • Blade Form Six, Crimson Piercer (刃身ノ六・紅天突 Jishin no Roku, Benitentsuki?)
    • Crimson Orb-Weaver (紅絡新婦 Kurenai Jorogumo?): A technique which creates a net made of blood.



  • Lighter: Zapp draws his blood out using a device that both punctures his hand and act as a lighter for his attacks.


To be added.


  • Zapp's ethnicity isn't known, but "Renfro" is a surname of Scottish origin, which could suggest Scottish lineage.
  • Zapp bears a strong resemblance to Sherry Walken-MacDowell from Gungrave Overdose. His outfit also resembles Millions Knives's from Nightow's Trigun series.
  • The Blood Blockade Battlefront Official Fan Book B5 reveals that
    • Zapp is 178 centimeters tall (5'10") and weighs 64 kilograms (141 lbs).
    • He is twenty-four years old and was born on November 25th, making him a Sagittarius.
      • As of Chapters 23 and 24, Zapp is now twenty-five years old, as the chapters take place on December 31st.[3][4]
  • In the novel Blood Blockade Battlefront ~ Only A Paper Moon,[1] Zapp has a daughter named Valerie Bama, who comes from ten years into the future to meet her father.
  • Zapp's eye color has changed the most in official art, going from brown, red, blue, silver, to green. In the anime, his eyes are blue.
  • In the Dark Horse translation, his name is spelled "Zap Renfro".
  • In the original oneshot, a Blood Breed resembling Zapp appears in the background when Klaus is explaining what Blood Breeds are.

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Blood Blockade Battlefront characters
Leader Klaus von Reinherz
Members Blitz T. Abrams  •  Chain Sumeragi  •  Deldro Brody  •  Dog Hummer  •  Gilbert F. Altstein  •  K.K.  •  Leonardo Watch  •  Neyka  •  Patrick  •  Sonic Speed Monkey  •  Steven A. Starphase  •  Zapp Renfro  •  Zed O'Brien
Allies Anila  •  Brigade  •  Garrett  •  Huang Tai Hong  •  Li Gado  •  Yurian
Thirteen Kings
Leader Femt
Members Aligura  •  Amnes  •  Barbarossa  •  Zeodra
Hellsalem's Lot
Citizens Amagranoff Luozontam Ouv Lee Nej  •  Angelica Ryan  •  Artie  •  Artie's Girlfriend  •  Bowen  •  Charmaine  •  Count Gigagigafutmassif  •  Denard Botara  •  Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche  •  E-Den Referee  •  Eiji Kirishima  •  Gregor Maximus  •  Guabara  •  Jugglernose  •  Kane Kiritani  •  Landlord Demon  •  Martin  •  Master  •  Mark Kiritani  •  Mavie Kirishima  •  Mila  •  Nuzruba  •  Patricia  •  Riel  •  Roger  •  Slensy  •  Stanislaw  •  Veded  •  Vivian  •  Yukitoshi Kiritani
Politicians Franz Ackerman  •  Graham  •  Rachel Washington
Law Enforcement Alice Neverhayworth  •  Daniel Law  •  Marcus Law
Criminals Argento Brigade Boss  •  Bordoi Minsk  •  Carl  •  Dr. Planario  •  Headless Duke Durer  •  Ozmaldo  •  Mokiito  •  Nagakawa  •  Pyro King  •  Richter  •  Rothgrin  •  Shiboroba  •  Udeshiubo  •  Velved Rheinkeimer  •  Veneno  •  Veneranda  •  Yahabio  •  Yoshioka
Bradbury General Hospital Gunther Gropius  •  Luciana Estevez  •  Magra de Grana  •  Zamedle's Dog
Blood Breeds
Elder 13 Edgar  •  Herlelle Lucando Lozo Thietkaua gi Murmhavat  •  Ramiella Gordokillia Gulzargeil Zonazreka  •  Valsh Rozzo Valctovoel Girika  •  Zamedle Lolow Zeaze Nazamsandriga
Other Alan Foster  •  Dragos  •  Malek  •  Maximilian Tycoon  •  Nanya Pomodolvs  •  Tonio Andretti  •  Vladimir  •  Yngwie Tycoon
Werewolf Bureau
Leader Ogamu Taruho
Operatives Delimid Moss  •  Emelina Anderson  •  Janet Barlow  •  Olga Stolijarov  •  Yim Mi-Yeon
Other Characters
Humans Azov Pomodolvs  •  Blonde Woman  •  Carl  •  Caroline Foster  •  Diana  •  Dianne  •  Elder  •  General Gähnen  •  Guinness Paroru  •  Humphrey Tiger  •  Jason Masuda  •  Korsakov Ulchenko  •  Master Monk  •  Michella Watch  •  Poliz Chief  •  Prince of Freeja  •  Queen Elizabeth  •  Scarred Youth  •  Toby McLachlan  •  U.S. President
Fang Hunters Magdalena  •  Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi
Von Reinherz family Catherine Bates  •  Gabriel von Reinherz  •  Ignatz von Reinherz  •  Mr. von Reinherz  •  Philip Lenore  •  Rebecca von Reinherz
Curious's group Curious
Supernatural beings Brigit  •  Dr. Gamimotz  •  God of Chow  •  High Priest Rudarda  •  Insect
Celestials Chaos  •  Cosmos  •  Riga El Menuhyut
Anime-only characters Benjamin Macbeth  •  Black  •  Emma Macbeth  •  King of Despair  •  White
Organizations Dead Links  •  Hellsalem's Lot Police Department  •  Gargambino family  •  Gel-Shepherds  •  Kuzumi gang  •  League of High Order Spirituals  •  Libra  •  Majestic Liberation Front  •  Namejiri gang  •  Slime Up Both Worlds  •  Snakebite Clan  •  The Trade Show for Unidentified Outlaw Organizations  •  The Screaming Reverse Executioners Society  •  Thirteen Kings  •  Valhalla Dynamics  •  Von Reinherz family  •  Werewolf Bureau


  1. Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 12 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; February 18, 2012)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 3 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 27, 2023)
  3. Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 23 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; December 19, 2013)
  4. Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 24 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; February 19, 2014)