Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki

Vivian (ビビアン, Bibian) is the daughter of the owner of Dianne's Diner, where she works as a waitress.

She is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro in the anime, and by Lindsay Siedel in the English dub.


A young woman presumably Leo's age, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. She typically wears a white short-sleeve shirt over blue jeans & a green apron with a red baseball cap worn backwards.


Described by Leo as being a 'busybody' in the anime, she seems very-down to earth and isn't above giving him a piece of her mind. Like many residents of Hellsalem's Lot, she seems indifferent to the weirdness that surrounds her, though she may simply have chosen to ignore it.


Vivan is the only child of Master and Dianne. At some point in their past, Vivan's mother opened up Dianne's Diner in New York City.

Vivian great collapse 1 b3p ch 4

Vivian loses her parents in the Great Collapse

During the Great Collapse, Vivan's parents were lifted into the wreckage of an ascending buidling. She tried to chase after them, but wasn't able to catch them. Depressed and distraught, she made her way back to the diner, only to find that it was still standing among the destruction of the city. Vivian laid down in one of the booths and stayed in the diner for the remainder of the Collapse.[1]


Those Shrouded in Fog[]

Vivian was seeing working at the diner, where she was speaking with Leo, a regular customer who only gets free coffee and questioned him what he was doing in the town. Seeing Leo doesn't have money, her father gave her a hamburger, which she gave to Leo, but in return he had to wash the dishes. After the Sonic Speed Monkey stole Leo's camera, she was surprised Leo yelled 'Monkey', even though human eye couldn't see the speed of the monkey.

Later when the demigod destroyed the diner, she was protected by her father from the rubble. After the situation with the demigod was resolved, she was seen working at the destroyed diner, were Leo came to fulfill his promise of washing the dishes.

  1. Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 4 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; July 27, 2023)