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Count Möbius Zoa Elinkal (メビウス・ゾア・エリンカル Mebiusu Zoa Erinkaru?), also known by his alias Edgar (エドガー Edogā?) is an Elder Blood Breed who lived in Bavaria during the early 2000s. He pretended to be a young human boy to integrate into the populace, and he befriended the young Klaus von Reinherz. After Klaus was mutilated by three Blood Breeds, Möbius kidnapped Klaus and turned him into a Level 12 Blood Breed to save his life.


Möbius takes the appearance of an adult Caucasian man with long, dual-colored hair and stubble. He has three star-shaped scars on his forehead, and wears a long trenchcoat with black pants.

While pretending to be Edgar, Möbius took the form of a young German boy with dark hair and dark eyes. He wears a white dress shirt, long pants, and suspenders.


Unlike the average Blood Breed, Möbius is pacifistic and seemingly sees no reason to hunt humans. He is very amicable and kind to others, and presents a laid-back attitude in regards to his work. However, it appears that this personality was a facade meant to keep his own cover, as he was extremely cold towards Klaus's family, his previous employers after what he had done to Klaus, and even tried to kill them after they refused to let him take Klaus away from them.


Five years before the events of Blood Thursday, Möbius took refuge in the town of Giffel-Garten in the state of Bavaria. He assumed the identity of a young boy named Edgar, and began integrating himself into the town over the next five years. He got a job as a gardener at the von Reinherz mansion, and befriended the youngest son Klaus von Reinherz.[1]

When the twelve year-old Klaus returned from boarding school for the summer, Möbius raced him around the grounds during his morning jog. Möbius managed to beat him, and expressed disappointment when Klaus kept running past the finish line. The boys were then greeted by Diana, who chastised Möbius for shirking his gardening duties and then shielded Klaus from being attacked by a diving eagle. As Diana left, Möbius teased Klaus about his exceedingly-obvious crush on the married woman.[2]

That night, Möbius finds Klaus out alone in the forest, who claims he is searching for a large flock of bats. The two come across an abandoned World War II bunker with a locked door within. Though they couldn't find the bats from before, they remark they've at least discovered a secret spot. The two began to visit the shelter regularly, bringing a tent to camp there at night.[2]

A few days later, Klaus and Möbius visit Diana at her second job, a florist shop. She's happy to see them and offers to let Klaus take some flowers for free. At that moment, Malek and Dragos enter the shop and make fun of Klaus and Möbius, insinuating that they're gay. enter the store and insult the two boys. Klaus tries to stands up to them, but Diana intervenes and tells the two men to show respect in her store. Vladimir arrives and leaves with Dragos and Malek as he apologizes to Diana for their behavior. Diana remarks how scary the experience was once they leave, but notices Klaus crying. She and Möbius hug Klaus as she thanks him, asking him to never change.[2]

That night, Möbius consoled a sullen Klaus outside the bomb shelter, telling him to move on because the day's significance will eventually fade, and that the fact that Klaus did what was right is the only part that matters. As Klaus wonders aloud who the men were, the two hear the screeching and flapping of bats, of which a swarm suddenly emerges from the shelter. They look inside and find the locked door is now open. The boys venture through a dark tunnel with a flashlight. Klaus, terrified, suggests leaving and coming back again in the morning, but Möbius insists that the open door is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Suddenly, the pair hear a scream belonging to Diana, which makes Klaus rush ahead. Möbius berates him for running ahead but before he can stop Klaus, a swarm of bats rushes through the tunnel, separating the boys. When Klaus comes to, he is alone and surrounded by an intense smell. Regardless, Klaus proceeds alone and enters an old door.[2]

Inside, Klaus finds Vladimir, Malek and Dragos feasting on Diana's body. Klaus, screaming in rage and sadness, charges the trio, but is immediately eviscerated, losing all four of his limbs. The Blood Breeds then zipped him up in an organic body bag and left him in an unknown part of the bunker with several other bags. Möbius eventually found the near-dead Klaus and took him back to their tent, telling him that time is of the essence and he can give Klaus the power to avenge Diana's death. Möbius reveals that he is also a Blood Breed, and bit Klaus to bring him back to life.[2]

After biting Klaus, Möbius seals Vladimir, the police chief, and Vladimir's cohorts in the bunker. He then lays down a thick fog over the woods and distorts the forest's dimensional space to prevent people from finding the bunker again. Over the next month, Möbius performed the blood ritual on Klaus to turn him into a full Blood Breed, eventually advancing his curse to Level 12. When Klaus reached Level 12, Möbius let him out to go kill Vladimir and his cohorts, and followed Klaus as he pursued Vladimir back to the mansion. After Klaus killed Vladimir, Möbius revealed himself again and ordered Klaus to come back with him so they could perform the final ritual. He was very cold to the rest of the von Reinherz family when they demanded that he explain himself, instead directing them to the Fang Hunters that had arrived on the scene as he tried to make Klaus leave with him.[1]

Upon learning that Möbius intended to take Klaus from them forever, Klaus's sister Rebecca threw herself on Klaus's back and refused to let Edgar take him, rallying the rest of her family to do the same. Irritated, Möbius revealed his true form, declaring he would make Klaus's family his new flesh and blood, and summoned a large, tooth-filled cross that began to suck Klaus's family inside it. Klaus then tackled Möbius and pushed him into the cross, with Möbius smiling calmly at the sight of Klaus shedding a tear at his actions. Klaus was found unconscious in the woods the next day, but Möbius was nowhere to be found.[1]

After the incident, Blitz T. Abrams dug through historical records and managed to match Möbius with several descriptions throughout history. He declared in his post-incident report that Möbius was the strongest Blood Breed that he had ever faced, and believed that he was one of the Elder 13.[1] A fragment of Möbius was reportedly left on the von Reinherz property, and mystic barriers were put in place to prevent it from getting out.[3]


Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3 Peat[]

Invasion!!! Reinherz 4 Siblings[]

A fragment of Möbius reanimates on the von Reinherz mansion's grounds and breaks through the mystic barrier meant to keep it sealed inside. It then flies to Hellsalem's Lot, presumably to find Klaus, but it is pursued by Rebecca, Ignatz, and Gabriel.[3]

Blood Thursday, Part 1[]

Möbius debuts in this chapter.[2]

Blood Thursday, Part 2[]

To be added.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]

Unique Abilities[]

  • Blood Manipulation
    • Blood Battle Technique: Möbius appears to possess an ability that is extremely similar if not identical to the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique. He used his blood to summon a giant cross with teeth inside it that attempted to suck the von Reinherz family inside it.
  • Regeneration: Like other Blood Breeds, Möbius can regenerate from any wounds given to him. It would seem that Möbius's healing ability is much greater than other Blood Breeds due to his status as an Elder 13.
  • Weather Manipulation
  • Spatial Manipulation


Klaus von Reinherz[]

Möbius appeared to truly consider Klaus his friend, offering him a chance to live and get revenge for Diana's death, and later crying when he prepared to bite Klaus. He only seemed to extend respect and kindness towards Klaus, and appeared to become quite singularly obsessed with making him live forever. He was surprised that Klaus fought back against him, but nevertheless, he smiled as Klaus shoved them both into his cross.

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Blood Blockade Battlefront characters
Leader Klaus von Reinherz
Members Blitz T. Abrams  •  Chain Sumeragi  •  Deldro Brody  •  Dog Hummer  •  Gilbert F. Altstein  •  K.K.  •  Leonardo Watch  •  Neyka  •  Patrick  •  Sonic Speed Monkey  •  Steven A. Starphase  •  Zapp Renfro  •  Zed O'Brien
Allies Anila  •  Brigade  •  Garrett  •  Huang Tai Hong  •  Li Gado  •  Yurian
Thirteen Kings
Leader Femt
Members Aligura  •  Amnes  •  Barbarossa  •  Zeodra
Hellsalem's Lot
Citizens Amagranoff Luozontam Ouv Lee Nej  •  Angelica Ryan  •  Artie  •  Artie's Girlfriend  •  Bowen  •  Charmaine  •  Count Gigagigafutmassif  •  Denard Botara  •  Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche  •  E-Den Referee  •  Eiji Kirishima  •  Gregor Maximus  •  Guabara  •  Jugglernose  •  Kane Kiritani  •  Landlord Demon  •  Martin  •  Master  •  Mark Kiritani  •  Mavie Kirishima  •  Mila  •  Nuzruba  •  Patricia  •  Riel  •  Roger  •  Slensy  •  Stanislaw  •  Veded  •  Vivian  •  Yukitoshi Kiritani
Politicians Franz Ackerman  •  Graham  •  Rachel Washington
Law Enforcement Alice Neverhayworth  •  Daniel Law  •  Marcus Law
Criminals Argento Brigade Boss  •  Bordoi Minsk  •  Carl  •  Dr. Planario  •  Headless Duke Durer  •  Ozmaldo  •  Mokiito  •  Nagakawa  •  Pyro King  •  Richter  •  Rothgrin  •  Shiboroba  •  Udeshiubo  •  Velved Rheinkeimer  •  Veneno  •  Veneranda  •  Yahabio  •  Yoshioka
Bradbury General Hospital Gunther Gropius  •  Luciana Estevez  •  Magra de Grana  •  Zamedle's Dog
Blood Breeds
Elder 13 Edgar  •  Herlelle Lucando Lozo Thietkaua gi Murmhavat  •  Ramiella Gordokillia Gulzargeil Zonazreka  •  Valsh Rozzo Valctovoel Girika  •  Zamedle Lolow Zeaze Nazamsandriga
Other Alan Foster  •  Dragos  •  Malek  •  Maximilian Tycoon  •  Nanya Pomodolvs  •  Tonio Andretti  •  Vladimir  •  Yngwie Tycoon
Werewolf Bureau
Leader Ogamu Taruho
Operatives Delimid Moss  •  Emelina Anderson  •  Janet Barlow  •  Olga Stolijarov  •  Yim Mi-Yeon
Other Characters
Humans Azov Pomodolvs  •  Blonde Woman  •  Carl  •  Caroline Foster  •  Diana  •  Dianne  •  Elder  •  General Gähnen  •  Guinness Paroru  •  Humphrey Tiger  •  Jason Masuda  •  Korsakov Ulchenko  •  Master Monk  •  Michella Watch  •  Poliz Chief  •  Prince of Freeja  •  Queen Elizabeth  •  Scarred Youth  •  Toby McLachlan  •  U.S. President
Fang Hunters Magdalena  •  Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi
Von Reinherz family Catherine Bates  •  Gabriel von Reinherz  •  Ignatz von Reinherz  •  Mr. von Reinherz  •  Philip Lenore  •  Rebecca von Reinherz
Curious's group Curious
Supernatural beings Brigit  •  Dr. Gamimotz  •  God of Chow  •  High Priest Rudarda  •  Insect
Celestials Chaos  •  Cosmos  •  Riga El Menuhyut
Anime-only characters Benjamin Macbeth  •  Black  •  Emma Macbeth  •  King of Despair  •  White
Organizations Dead Links  •  Hellsalem's Lot Police Department  •  Gargambino family  •  Gel-Shepherds  •  Kuzumi gang  •  League of High Order Spirituals  •  Libra  •  Majestic Liberation Front  •  Namejiri gang  •  Slime Up Both Worlds  •  Snakebite Clan  •  The Trade Show for Unidentified Outlaw Organizations  •  The Screaming Reverse Executioners Society  •  Thirteen Kings  •  Valhalla Dynamics  •  Von Reinherz family  •  Werewolf Bureau


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 9 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; 2024)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 8 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; July 29, 2024)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)