"Everyone thinks at some point if what they are doing has any meaning or not!"
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Klaus von Reinherz (クラウス・V・ラインヘルツ Kurausu fon Rainherutsu?) is the leader of Libra and a member of the noble von Reinherz family. A large, very powerful man with an unshakable will, Klaus is very well composed and gentlemanly and honest to a fault. He is the master of the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique, which he can use to create large cross-shaped weaponry and seal away opponenets.
He is voiced by Tarusake Shingaki in the vcomic, Rikiya Koyama in the anime, and Phil Parsons in the English dub. He is portrayed by Hiroaki Iwanaga in the stage play.
Klaus is a large, redheaded man with a distinctive underbite, green eyes, and large sideburns. He wears a white shirt with a red tie under a black waistcoat, as well as black pants with brown dress shoes. He also wears glasses. The back of his vest is adorned with a small silver cross.
As a young teen, Klaus's hair was much less spiky and his sideburns were less prominent. After being turned by Möbius Zoa Elinkal, Klaus gained a tattoo of the Roman numeral 12 on the back of his neck.
Despite his intimidating appearance, Klaus is well-known for his composure, manners, and honest to a fault nature. He typically conducts himself in a calm, polite manner unless suitably angered, in which case he will lash out with a beast-like level of savagery. Due to his nature, he tends to over-stress himself worrying for the safety of others and will often put himself on the line to save them, something Zapp and Daniel Law have taken advantage of.
Outside of managing Libra, Klaus has a few hobbies of his own that he takes very seriously. He is an avid botanist, being solely responsible for caring for the office's greenhouse,[1] and his office contains several potted plants which, if damaged or otherwise upset, is a surefire way to anger him. He is also an avid Prosfair player, regularly playing the game online with an online friend. Klaus was also able to weaponize his enjoyment of the game and use it to gain information from Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche, a Beyondian crime lord who has been playing the game for nearly 1,200 years.[2][3]
Though he has been looked after by others all his life, Leo notes that Klaus is quite capable of being able to care for himself.

Klaus as a young teen
Klaus was born in Giffels-Garten in Bavaria, Germany[4] and is the third son of the noble von Reinherz family. He has an older sister Rebecca and two older brothers, Gabriel and Ignatz.[5] He was assigned a Combat Butler named Gilbert F. Altstein. When Klaus was a child, he lived on the family estate with his father and his older siblings, and he had a crush on Diana, one of the groundspeople. He also befriended a young man named Edgar, who also worked on the mansion's grounds.[6]
When Klaus was twelve, three Blood Breeds -- Vladimir, Dragos and Malek -- moved into his town and began picking off the residents.[6] After returning home from boarding school, Klaus raced Edgar around the grounds during his morning jog. Edgar managed to beat him, and expressed disappointment when Klaus kept running past the finish line. The boys were then greeted by Diana, who chastised Edgar for shirking his gardening duties and then shielded Klaus from being attacked by a diving eagle. As Diana left, Edgar teased Klaus about his exceedingly-obvious crush on the married woman.[6]
That night, Ignatz and Gabriel tease him about getting attacked by the eagle, and Gabriel warns Klaus to be careful due to his naive nature. Klaus' agreement with Gabriel makes Ignatz point out that he affirmed the observation, but Gilbert kindly says Klaus' nature can be seen as charming. Later that night, Klaus sees a swarm of bats gather on somewhere on the property, and he goes to investigate. As Klaus combs through the forest he comes across Edgar, who decides to join him on his search for the bats. The two come across an abandoned World War II bunker with a locked door within. Though they couldn't find the bats from before, they remark they've at least discovered a secret spot. The two began to visit the shelter regularly, bringing a tent to camp there at night.[6]

Klaus tries standing up to his first Blood Breeds
A few days later, Klaus and Edgar visit Diana at her second job, a florist shop. She's happy to see them and offers to let Klaus take some flowers for free. At that moment, Malek and Dragos enter the shop and make fun of Klaus and Edgar, insinuating that they're gay. enter the store and insult the two boys. Klaus tries to stands up to them, but Diana intervenes and tells the two men to show respect in her store. Vladimir arrives and leaves with Dragos and Malek as he apologizes to Diana for their behavior. Diana remarks how scary the experience was once they leave, but notices Klaus crying. She and Edgar hug Klaus as she thanks him, asking him to never change.[6]
That night, Edgar consoled a sullen Klaus outside the bomb shelter, telling him to move on because the day's significance will eventually fade, and that the fact that Klaus did what was right is the only part that matters. As Klaus wonders aloud who the men were, the two hear the screeching and flapping of bats, of which a swarm suddenly emerges from the shelter. They look inside and find the locked door is now open. The boys venture through a dark tunnel with a flashlight. Klaus, terrified, suggests leaving and coming back again in the morning, but Edgar insists that the open door is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Suddenly, the pair hear a scream belonging to Diana, which makes Klaus rush ahead. Edgar berates him for running ahead but before he can stop Klaus, a swarm of bats rushes through the tunnel, separating the boys. When Klaus comes to, he is alone and surrounded by an intense smell. Regardless, Klaus proceeds alone and enters an old door.[6]
Inside, Klaus found Vladimir, Malek and Dragos feasting on Diana's body. Klaus, screaming in rage and sadness, charges the trio, but is immediately eviscerated, losing all four of his limbs. The Blood Breeds then zipped him up in an organic body bag and left him in an unknown part of the bunker with several other bags. Edgar eventually found the near-dead Klaus and took him back to their tent, telling him that time is of the essence and he can give Klaus the power to avenge Diana's death. Edgar reveals that he is also a Blood Breed, and bit Klaus to bring him back to life.[6] Edgar then sealed Klaus and the Blood Breeds inside the bunker and performed the blood ritual on Klaus over the next month. The rituals caused Klaus to grow into a large, muscled adult version of himself.[4]
After Klaus reached Stage 12, Edgar released him into the other side of the bunker, where a weakened Vladimir and his cohorts were being held. Klaus proceeded to rip Dragos and Malek to shreds and consume their remains while Vladimir escaped. Klaus pursued him across the forest and back to the mansion, where his rampage was briefly halted by Vladimir taking his family hostage. The battle was briefly interrupted by the arrival of Blitz T. Abrams and Magdalena, who paralyzed the Blood Breeds with Espinas del Cero Absoluto. Klaus, however, managed to break free of the ice and killed Vladimir by smashing his head. Rebecca managed to recognize him, but Edgar arrived on the scene to take Klaus back to the bunker with him and complete the blood ritual. Rebecca threw herself on Klaus's back, refusing to let Edgar take him as the rest of their family gathered around Klaus.[4]
Edgar then revealed his true form and activated his own Blood Battle Technique, coldly replying that he would not let Klaus's family come between them. He summoned a large cross and attempted to kill the rest of Klaus's family, but Klaus tackled him and pushed the two of them into the cross. As they fell in, the cross erupted in light and disappeared. Klaus was found alone in the woods the next day, but he had still not reverted back to a human and remained at Level 12.[4]
After the attack, Klaus was subsequently contained and monitored by Abrams's organization, and in his report on the incident, Abrams requested that Klaus be given the highest level of support, as the twelve year-old boy had gone through a more horrific experience than anyone could imagine. After the attack, it was discovered that "Edgar" was really the Elder Blood Breed Möbius Zoa Elinkal. That day would become known as "Blood Thursday" among the Reinherz family, and the fragment Möbius that was left was sealed on the family property.[4]
After the incident, Klaus's father didn't want his children to have anything to do with hunting Blood Breeds.[7] Regardless, the siblings disregarded their father's wishes and became Fang Hunters in secret. Klaus and Gabriel trained together at the headquarters for the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique school. As an adult, Klaus grew close with Steven A. Starphase and the two formed a monster-hunting partnership, coming into contact with numerous Blood Breeds along the way. Klaus and his siblings were forced to keep their status as Fang Hunters a secret from their father as a result of his fear of Blood Breeds.
Klaus and Steven were in New York City during The Great Collapse, and tried to asses the damage and save lives where they could. After finding an orphaned child whose mother had been killed by collapsing rubble, Klaus and Steven took the baby to Bradbury General Hospital, which they learned was housing a number of human refugees. They turned over the baby to the staff, and were greeted by doctors Gunther Gropius and Luciana Estevez. Just then, the Blood Breed Zamedle Lolow Zeaze Nazamsandriga arrived at the hospital, seeking to murder everyone inside to feed his dog. Klaus and Steven engaged the Blood Breed with the intention of dealing with his dog later on, but the battle was interrupted by the creation of the Great Barrier. When Klaus and Steven woke back up, the hospital was nowhere to be found, having been pulled into the Alterworld by Magra de Grana.[8][9]
Klaus and Steven then wandered the city for the next week before finding an apartment they were able to lease, and Klaus notified his family where he would be staying as he realized he would not leaving the city anytime soon. Unlike much of the population, Klaus was seemingly unaffected by the sudden air of normalcy that had been brought about by Barbarossa.[10]
Nine days after the Great Collapse, a package arrived at Klaus and Steven's apartment, and Klaus opened it while Steven was trying to figure out who would send them something. The package contained Zapp Renfro, who immediately attacked them after he was released and demanded to know who they were. The note alongside the package revealed that Zapp's master, Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi, had sent him to investigate the city at Zapp's own expense, not caring what happened to him. Zapp immediately jumped out of the eleventh-story window after learning about this, and Klaus watched in shock as he got up and ran away. Klaus and Steven eventually followed Zapp to a park, where a creature that had sprouted from Slensy had begun attacking human bystanders. After checking the nearby casualties, Klaus politely asks Zapp and the creature to stop fighting while the creature mocks humanity's weaknesses, saying that they are helpless as the scales of the world's balance has been tipped. Klaus disagrees that humanity will simply tip the scale back, declaring it his mission to maintain that balance. The being dismisses him, but is immediately defeated by him and Steven. Though Zapp is annoyed by the pair hiding their skills, he decides to aid the pair on their mission, claiming self-interest to be his motivation, but is warmly welcomed by Klaus all the same.[10]
After the creation of Hellsalem's Lot, Klaus and Steven formed Libra in order to combat the supernatural criminals that were not a part of the human world. Among the members brought on were Chain Sumeragi, Blitz "Lucky" Abrams, and K. Kiritani. After Klaus took up the role as Libra's leader, Gilbert F. Alstein moved to Hellsalem's Lot to ensure Klaus was cared for. Over the next three years, Klaus made the acquaintance of Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche, an obsessive Prosfair player and a powerful Alterworld mob boss. Klaus would play four extensively-long games with the Don in order to gain information for high-risk cases, and only managed to leave the Don's home alive because he focused on dragging out the game rather than pursuing checkmate.[2]
Due to his love of gardening, Klaus later joined a gardening club, who would meet regularly at Eiji Kirishima's botanical garden.[1]
Before the events of the first chapter, Klaus reached out to a man named Johnny Landis and asked him to join Libra.[11]
Powers and Abilities[]
- Superhuman Strength and Durability: Klaus is easily the strongest member of Libra, able to go toe to toe with creatures of the Alterworld in a bare-knuckle fist fight and even exchange blows with Blood Breeds with little, if any, signs of injury. He is also the only member of Libra capable of standing up to Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi. In the original one-shot, this is attributed to his "curse" as a Blood Breed victim advancing to Level 12, but in the main series, it's attributed to his will to survive and protect others.
- Superior Intellect: Klaus is extremely intelligent, being able to play a game of Prosfair for a period of ninety-nine hours against a being that has studied the game for thousands of years.
- Indomitable Will
- Gardening Ability: Klaus is an extremely talented gardener. and is solely responsible for keeping the Libra building's greenhouse as beautiful as it is.[1]
Unique Abilities[]
- Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique (ブレングリード流血闘術 Buren Gurīdo-ryū Kettō Jutsu (literally Brain Grid Blood Battle Style)?): Klaus's combat style. This particular style of Blood Battle Techniques allows Klaus to create large, cross-shaped weaponry from his blood to attack, defend and seal away enemies. His ultimate technique allows him to imprison Blood Breeds, as they can not be killed due to their immortal nature.
- Pattern 02 - Schrott-Schweisser (02式・散弾式連突 Ni Shiki - Shurōtofisshā?): Used in the original oneshot. Creates cross-like shuriken that impales the target, dissolving any Blood Breed on contact.
- Pattern 11 - Wirbelsturm (11式・旋回式連突 Jūichi Shiki - Viruberushuturumu?, literally "Twisting Storm"): Similar to Schort Sweiser, it creates larger cross-shurikens and is capable of taking down the armored HLPD officers with ease despite being surrounded, implying it is designed for multiple opponents.
- Pattern 13 - Finger Greed: Used in the original oneshot, a series of blows that cause glowing crosses to appear on the target's bodies, burning them from the inside.
- Pattern 15 - Snipel Formelschlag (15式・狙撃式単突 Jūgo-shiki Sunaipā Fōmerushurāku?)
- Pattern 32 - Stechende Blitzattacke (32式・電速刺尖撃 Sanjūni-shiki - Burittsu Windihikaito Dushutehen?, literally "Lightning Speed Lancing Attack"): This technique allows Klaus to create a lance mid-air that impales the target as its taking form.
- Pattern 39 - Keil Barrikade (39式・血楔防壁陣 Sanjūkyū-shiki - Keiru Barikeido?): Creates several miniature crosses to defend against oncoming attacks whilst pinning the enemy in place.
- Pattern 74 - Unzerbrechlich Kreuzschild (74式・絶対不破血十字盾 Nanajūyon-shiki - Kuroitsushiruto Untsea'burehirihi?, literally "Cross Shield Unbreakable"): This technique can summon a cross-like shield of presumably whatever size Klaus chooses. In Season 2, it is classified as Pattern 117 (117式 Hyakujūnana-shiki?).
- Pattern 111 - Kreuzvernichterlanze (111式・十字型殲滅槍 Hyakujūichi-shiki - Kuroitsuverunikutorantse?, literally "Cross Annihilator Lance"): Self-explanatory. A large blood cross used to crush and/or overpower enemies.[12]
- Pattern 999 - Ewigkeit Gefängnis (999式・久遠棺封縛獄 Kyūhyakukyūjūkyū-shiki - Ēvihikaito Gefengunisu?, literally "Eternity Prison"): Klaus's ultimate technique. It allows him to imprison the Blood Breeds, as they can not be killed due to their immortal nature, but to do so, he must learn the enemy's true name -- thus requiring on Leo to use his powers to reveal it. Upon the technique's activation, the Blood Breed is sealed into a small crimson crucifix.
- Pattern ?? - Debunker Von Kreuz Sarg (十字血棺掩壕 Dibankā Fon Kuroitsu Zāgu?, literally "Cross Blood Coffin: Cover Position"): It creates a coffin of a giant blood cross and prevents omnidirectional attacks which can not be prevented by shields by entering into it.[13]
- Powers of Sealing and Destruction: Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi mentioned that Klaus was "the one with powers of sealing and destruction". Whether this ability is exclusive to Klaus or it is an ability that comes with using the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique is not yet clear.
- Knuckle Duster: Klaus uses a unique and distinctive knuckleduster which is strapped to his left arm and usually hidden away until needed, When it drops down with a flick of his arm. The device is metal, possibly a mix for strength with the addition of a sterling silver cross on the front plate, which is traditional European folklore is a known metal to repel and weaken vampires and other demonic creatures.
To be added.
Development and Pilot[]
In Yasuhiro Nightow's original one-shot for the series, Klaus is a "Fang Hunter", an agent of the Vatican's "Jagtkreuz" force, who hunts down Blood Breeds. At some point prior to the story, Klaus was a victim of a Blood Breed attack and was sealed away in a large stone crucifix as his infection had progressed to Level 12 -- at Level 13, he would become a Blood Breed. Klaus was approached by a figure resembling Blitz T. Abrams, who offers him the chance to turn his life around, though he may die in the attempt.[14]
Years later, Klaus confronts Count Urthrchika on the side of a skyscraper, managing to separate him from his hostage, Reina, only for the Count to escape by severing his own finger. After receiving a report from Chain Sumeragi and unintentionally frightening Reina alongside Gilbert, they learn of how she and her friend, Aiko, fell victim to the Count and Klaus comforts her, assuring her that he will defeat the Count before they can become Blood Breeds. Whilst dining with Reina, the Count's finger begins to move around, prompting Klaus to order Chain to track the Blood Breed. However, the count somehow manifests inside Reina's blood to mock them and threaten Aiko, only to be crushed by Klaus before he can kill Reina.[14]
Learning more about Reina and Aiko's backstory, Klaus vows to save the latter and travels to the Count's hideout with Gilbert, crashing through the wall in their reinforced Rolls Royce. Despite easily outclassing the Count's slaves, the Count himself proves a more difficult foe due to his ability to manipulate blood, taking Reina and Gilbert hostage. The count mocks Klaus's for his inexperience, citing that blood is not only his lifeblood but also his weapon, only for Klaus to retaliate by using his own blood as a weapon, injecting it into the Count's body, destroying his curse from within. Come the dawn, as Jagtkreuz are saying their farewells to Reina and Aiko, Klaus assures Reina that they will meet again the next time she is in danger, before granting her request to see him smile. He does so, but as Chain reveals, Klaus's smile is easily his most terrifying expression, as evidenced by Reina's passing out foaming at the mouth from fear.[14]
When Klaus seals other Blood Breeds by using Pattern 999, he says "I hereby seal you. Despise me, forgive me, resign yourself. I take these barbarous actions to protect the human world." By apologizing and admitting that his actions are "barbarous", it may imply that he recognizes himself as a Blood Breed, or at the very least, close to the Blood Breed.
In Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3 Peat, it was revealed that Klaus was turned by the Elder Blood Breed Count Möbius Zoa Elinkal, and is the only human in the world who is closest to being a true Blood Breed, harkening back to the original oneshot.
- In the manga official translation, his last name is spelled "Reinhertz".
- The Blood Blockade Battlefront Official Fan Book B5 reveals:
- Klaus is 201 centimeters tall (6'7") and weighs 136 kilograms (300 lbs).
- His blood type is A.
- He is twenty-eight years old and was born on December 31st, making him a Capricorn. This is further supported by the Kekkai Sensen radio broadcast.
- While nothing is stated about his brothers, it is revealed Klaus is the youngest in the family and has an elder sister.
- Klaus’s blood technique is the most strenuous of them all, and he uses the most blood out of all the other Libra members.
- In the oneshot, it is revealed his favorite food is liver. This seems to still be true in the manga, as in One Butler's Blitzkrieg Gilbert mentions that he has eighteen gallons of condensed liver in his inventory checklist.
- Klaus is the tallest member of the von Reinherz family.
- It is implied during One Butler's Blitzkrieg that Klaus will not accept tea brewed by anyone but Gilbert, though he is later shown to be quite adept at brewing it himself.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 16 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; October 19, 2012)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 5 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; May 19, 2010)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Episode 3, "A Game Between Two Worlds". Matusmoto, Rie and Hirakawa, Tetsuyo (storyboarders) & Furuya, Kazunao (writer) & Mukai, Masahiro (director); April 19, 2015.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 9 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; 2024)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 8 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; July 29, 2024)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 21 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; August 19, 2013)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 22 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; October 19, 2013)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 3 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 27, 2023)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 1 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; January 5, 2009)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 4 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; October 23, 2009)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 6 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; August 19, 2010)
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Blood Blockade Battlefront, Oneshot (Nightow, Yasuhiro; May 2, 2008)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 23 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; December 19, 2013)
- ↑ Blood Blockade Battlefront, Chapter 24 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; February 19, 2014)