Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki
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Gabriel von Reinherz (ガブリエル・Vフォン・ラインヘルツ Gaburieru fon Rainherutsu?) is a Fang Hunter and a member of the noble von Reinherz family. He is the younger brother of Rebecca von Reinherz, and the older brother of Ignatz and Klaus von Reinherz. He is currently a member of Interpol.


Gabriel is a German man in his thirties with spiky, shoulder-length red hair. He is almost as tall as his younger brother Klaus, and has an overbite.


Gabriel is the first son of the noble Reinherz family. He has two younger brothers, Ignatz and Klaus and an older sister Rebecca.[1] When Gabriel was a child, he lived on the family estate in Germany with his father and his siblings.[2] When Gabriel was a teen, three Blood Breeds -- Vladimir, Dragos and Malek -- moved into his town and began picking off the residents.[2]

One night at the Reinherz mansion, the conversations at dinner shift when Rebecca asks her father about the daughter of another family who has disappeared. Gabriel concurs, having heard from the mayor that other people have gone missing. She wonders if this case is related to disappearances from another town, though Gabriel doubts it despite the similarities. He warns Klaus to be careful due to his naive nature, having heard of his earlier bird attack. Klaus' agreement with Gabriel makes Ignatz point out that he affirmed the observation, but Gilbert kindly says Klaus' nature can be seen as charming. Gabriel warns Klaus to be careful due to his naive nature, having heard of his earlier bird attack. Klaus' agreement with Gabriel makes Ignatz point out that he affirmed the observation, but Gilbert kindly says Klaus' nature can be seen as charming.[2]

One night, Gabriel noticed that Klaus had gone missing, and he took Gilbert out to search for him.< The events after this would become known as "Blood Thursday" among the Reinherz family, and the Blood Breed that was believed to be responsible for turning Klaus was sealed on the family property.

Nearly the entire von Reinherz family was wiped out by Blood Breeds, so Klaus's father didn't want his children to have anything to do with hunting Blood Breeds.[3] Regardless, the siblings disregarded their father's wishes and became Fang Hunters in secret. As adults, Gabriel and Klaus trained at the headquarters for the Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique. Gabriel later took a job with Interpol.

Gabriel mentions that the last time the siblings saw Klaus was before the Great Collapse.[1] After he found a place to stay, Klaus sent his family a letter letting them know where he was staying.


Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3 Peat[]

Invasion!! Reinherz 4 Siblings[]

After a fragment of the Blood Breed that turned Klaus escaped from the mansion's grounds, Rebecca called Gabriel and Ignatz to follow the fragment with her and kill it. They tracked it to Hellsalem's Lot, where they reunited with Klaus and met the rest of Libra.[4]

Bloody Thursday[]

One night at the Reinherz mansion, the conversations at dinner shift when Rebecca asks her father about the daughter of another family who has disappeared. Gabriel concurs, having heard from the mayor that other people have gone missing. She wonders if this case is related to disappearances from another town, though Gabriel doubts it despite the similarities. He warns Klaus to be careful due to his naive nature, having heard of his earlier bird attack. Klaus' agreement with Gabriel makes Ignatz point out that he affirmed the observation, but Gilbert kindly says Klaus' nature can be seen as charming. Gabriel warns Klaus to be careful due to his naive nature, having heard of his earlier bird attack. Klaus' agreement with Gabriel makes Ignatz point out that he affirmed the observation, but Gilbert kindly says Klaus' nature can be seen as charming.[2]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Hand-to-Hand Combat Prowess: Gabriel is an extremely skilled hand-to-hand combatant, being able to fight Klaus to a standstill during a sparring match.

Unique Abilities[]

  • Brain Grid Blood Battle Technique (ブレングリード流血闘術 Buren Gurīdo-ryū Kettō Jutsu (literally Brain Grid Blood Battle Style)?): Gabriel's combat style. This particular style of Blood Battle Techniques allows Gabriel to create large, cross-shaped weaponry from his blood to attack, defend and seal away enemies.
    • Pattern 08 - Drei Punkte Burst ( Hachi Shiki - Dorai Punkute Bāsuto (Three-Point Burst)?): Creates three cross-like shuriken that impales the target, dissolving any Blood Breed on contact.


Klaus von Reinherz[]

When they were younger, Gabriel appeared to enjoy teasing Klaus.

Ignatz von Reinherz[]

To be added.

Rebecca von Reinherz[]

To be added.

Gilbert F. Altstein[]

To be added.

Steven A. Starphase[]

To be added.

Mr. von Reinherz[]

Gabriel's father. Due to his fear of Blood Breeds, Gabriel was forced to keep his status as a Fang Hunter a secret and get a different job to avoid suspicion. However, Gabriel suspects that his father already knows their secret and isn't saying anything.


  • Gabriel's Pattern 08 is likely a reference to the original oneshot, where Klaus uses a technique called "Pattern 13 - Finger Greed". Both techniques appear virtually identical to each other, and Gabriel's Drei Punkte Burst is likely the canon equivalent of the oneshot's Finger Greed.

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Blood Blockade Battlefront characters
Leader Klaus von Reinherz
Members Blitz T. Abrams  •  Chain Sumeragi  •  Deldro Brody  •  Dog Hummer  •  Gilbert F. Altstein  •  K.K.  •  Leonardo Watch  •  Neyka  •  Patrick  •  Sonic Speed Monkey  •  Steven A. Starphase  •  Zapp Renfro  •  Zed O'Brien
Allies Anila  •  Brigade  •  Garrett  •  Huang Tai Hong  •  Li Gado  •  Yurian
Thirteen Kings
Leader Femt
Members Aligura  •  Amnes  •  Barbarossa  •  Zeodra
Hellsalem's Lot
Citizens Amagranoff Luozontam Ouv Lee Nej  •  Angelica Ryan  •  Artie  •  Artie's Girlfriend  •  Bowen  •  Charmaine  •  Count Gigagigafutmassif  •  Denard Botara  •  Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche  •  E-Den Referee  •  Eiji Kirishima  •  Gregor Maximus  •  Guabara  •  Jugglernose  •  Kane Kiritani  •  Landlord Demon  •  Martin  •  Master  •  Mark Kiritani  •  Mavie Kirishima  •  Mila  •  Nuzruba  •  Patricia  •  Riel  •  Roger  •  Slensy  •  Stanislaw  •  Veded  •  Vivian  •  Yukitoshi Kiritani
Politicians Franz Ackerman  •  Graham  •  Rachel Washington
Law Enforcement Alice Neverhayworth  •  Daniel Law  •  Marcus Law
Criminals Argento Brigade Boss  •  Bordoi Minsk  •  Carl  •  Dr. Planario  •  Headless Duke Durer  •  Ozmaldo  •  Mokiito  •  Nagakawa  •  Pyro King  •  Richter  •  Rothgrin  •  Shiboroba  •  Udeshiubo  •  Velved Rheinkeimer  •  Veneno  •  Veneranda  •  Yahabio  •  Yoshioka
Bradbury General Hospital Gunther Gropius  •  Luciana Estevez  •  Magra de Grana  •  Zamedle's Dog
Blood Breeds
Elder 13 Edgar  •  Herlelle Lucando Lozo Thietkaua gi Murmhavat  •  Ramiella Gordokillia Gulzargeil Zonazreka  •  Valsh Rozzo Valctovoel Girika  •  Zamedle Lolow Zeaze Nazamsandriga
Other Alan Foster  •  Dragos  •  Malek  •  Maximilian Tycoon  •  Nanya Pomodolvs  •  Tonio Andretti  •  Vladimir  •  Yngwie Tycoon
Werewolf Bureau
Leader Ogamu Taruho
Operatives Delimid Moss  •  Emelina Anderson  •  Janet Barlow  •  Olga Stolijarov  •  Yim Mi-Yeon
Other Characters
Humans Azov Pomodolvs  •  Blonde Woman  •  Carl  •  Caroline Foster  •  Diana  •  Dianne  •  Elder  •  General Gähnen  •  Guinness Paroru  •  Humphrey Tiger  •  Jason Masuda  •  Korsakov Ulchenko  •  Master Monk  •  Michella Watch  •  Poliz Chief  •  Prince of Freeja  •  Queen Elizabeth  •  Scarred Youth  •  Toby McLachlan  •  U.S. President
Fang Hunters Magdalena  •  Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi
Von Reinherz family Catherine Bates  •  Gabriel von Reinherz  •  Ignatz von Reinherz  •  Mr. von Reinherz  •  Philip Lenore  •  Rebecca von Reinherz
Curious's group Curious
Supernatural beings Brigit  •  Dr. Gamimotz  •  God of Chow  •  High Priest Rudarda  •  Insect
Celestials Chaos  •  Cosmos  •  Riga El Menuhyut
Anime-only characters Benjamin Macbeth  •  Black  •  Emma Macbeth  •  King of Despair  •  White
Organizations Dead Links  •  Hellsalem's Lot Police Department  •  Gargambino family  •  Gel-Shepherds  •  Kuzumi gang  •  League of High Order Spirituals  •  Libra  •  Majestic Liberation Front  •  Namejiri gang  •  Slime Up Both Worlds  •  Snakebite Clan  •  The Trade Show for Unidentified Outlaw Organizations  •  The Screaming Reverse Executioners Society  •  Thirteen Kings  •  Valhalla Dynamics  •  Von Reinherz family  •  Werewolf Bureau


  1. 1.0 1.1 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 8 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; July 29, 2024)
  3. Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)
  4. Blood Blockade Battlefront: Beat 3Peat, Chapter 7 (Nightow, Yasuhiro; April 24, 2024)