Blood Blockade Battlefront - Kekkai Sensen Wiki
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Anime-Only Article

This article contains information about a character, setting, or event that is exclusive to the Blood Blockade Battlefront anime. It is not canon to the manga.

Emma Macbeth ( エマ・マクベス, Ema Makubesu) is the wife of Benjamin Macbeth, and the mother of William "Black" Macbeth and Mary "White" Macbeth. During the Great Collapse, Emma and her husband gave their lives and the life of their daughter White to create a barrier around Hellsalem's Lot.

She is voiced by Yukana in the anime, and by Jessica Cavanagh in the English dub. Emma is an anime-only character, and does not appear in the manga.


Emma Macbeth was a woman of average height and slender frame. She had dark green eyes and black hair that was slightly longer from the front with the left side reaching past her face and stopping near her chin. Her attire while seen in the anime reflected her roles as a housewife and investigator; alternating from bright to dark clothing.


Emma took great pride in her children and refused to treat one any differently from the other, and was a loving and protective mother. According to her husband Benjamin, Emma could be ruthless when speaking to others, a trait she shared if not passed on to their daughter, Mary, and had a sense of humor.


Emma and her husband Benjamin both came from families of pureblood psychic Casters, and were investigators for the League of High Order Spirituals. Emma was a housewife, and also a shepherd.

They had two children together, fraternal twins William and Mary. While William was born with extremely powerful psychic abilities, Mary was born completely normal. Emma didn't let her childrens' difference in ability affect how she cared for them, and she loved both of the children equally.

During the Great Collapse, the Macbeth family was summoned to help the Casters of the world create a barrier around the city that would become Hellsalem's Lot. White was killed during the event, and her parents used their abilities to revive her. After reviving White, her parents sacrificed themselves to form the barrier around the city, telling Black to take care of his sister before they died.


Season 1[]

Episode 11[]

To be added.

Powers and Abilities[]

Unique Abilities[]

  • Psychic Abilities: Emma came from a family of pureblood psychic Casters,


Mary "White" Macbeth[]

To be added.

William "Black" Macbeth[]

To be added.


To be added.

Creation and Development[]


Anime director Rie Matsumoto found issues with adapting the Blood Blockade Battlefront manga due to its narrative lacking an overreaching structure. As a result, she used Leonardo's and Michella's relationship as a basis in the first anime adaptation. This led to the creation of the siblings White and Black, who would meet Leonardo as friends and be involved in a conflict in the adaptation's climax. Yasuhiro Nightow give his approval when heard of this storyline.

Emma and her family are based on the titular family from William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth,, first published in the Folio of 1623 and presumably first performed in 1606. In the play, a brave Scottish general named Macbeth receives a prophecy from a trio of witches that one day he will become King of Scotland. Consumed by ambition and spurred to violence by his wife, Macbeth murders the king and takes the Scottish throne for himself. Then, racked with guilt and paranoia, he commits more and more murders to protect himself from enmity and suspicion, soon becoming a tyrannical ruler. The bloodbath swiftly takes Macbeth and his wife towards madness and death.

Site Navigation[]

[v · e · ?]
Blood Blockade Battlefront characters
Leader Klaus von Reinherz
Members Blitz T. Abrams  •  Chain Sumeragi  •  Deldro Brody  •  Dog Hummer  •  Gilbert F. Altstein  •  K.K.  •  Leonardo Watch  •  Neyka  •  Patrick  •  Sonic Speed Monkey  •  Steven A. Starphase  •  Zapp Renfro  •  Zed O'Brien
Allies Anila  •  Brigade  •  Garrett  •  Huang Tai Hong  •  Li Gado  •  Yurian
Thirteen Kings
Leader Femt
Members Aligura  •  Amnes  •  Barbarossa  •  Zeodra
Hellsalem's Lot
Citizens Amagranoff Luozontam Ouv Lee Nej  •  Angelica Ryan  •  Artie  •  Artie's Girlfriend  •  Bowen  •  Charmaine  •  Count Gigagigafutmassif  •  Denard Botara  •  Don Arlelelle Eruca Fulgrouche  •  E-Den Referee  •  Eiji Kirishima  •  Gregor Maximus  •  Guabara  •  Jugglernose  •  Kane Kiritani  •  Landlord Demon  •  Martin  •  Master  •  Mark Kiritani  •  Mavie Kirishima  •  Mila  •  Nuzruba  •  Patricia  •  Riel  •  Roger  •  Slensy  •  Stanislaw  •  Veded  •  Vivian  •  Yukitoshi Kiritani
Politicians Franz Ackerman  •  Graham  •  Rachel Washington
Law Enforcement Alice Neverhayworth  •  Daniel Law  •  Marcus Law
Criminals Argento Brigade Boss  •  Bordoi Minsk  •  Carl  •  Dr. Planario  •  Headless Duke Durer  •  Ozmaldo  •  Mokiito  •  Nagakawa  •  Pyro King  •  Richter  •  Rothgrin  •  Shiboroba  •  Udeshiubo  •  Velved Rheinkeimer  •  Veneno  •  Veneranda  •  Yahabio  •  Yoshioka
Bradbury General Hospital Gunther Gropius  •  Luciana Estevez  •  Magra de Grana  •  Zamedle's Dog
Blood Breeds
Elder 13 Edgar  •  Herlelle Lucando Lozo Thietkaua gi Murmhavat  •  Ramiella Gordokillia Gulzargeil Zonazreka  •  Valsh Rozzo Valctovoel Girika  •  Zamedle Lolow Zeaze Nazamsandriga
Other Alan Foster  •  Dragos  •  Malek  •  Maximilian Tycoon  •  Nanya Pomodolvs  •  Tonio Andretti  •  Vladimir  •  Yngwie Tycoon
Werewolf Bureau
Leader Ogamu Taruho
Operatives Delimid Moss  •  Emelina Anderson  •  Janet Barlow  •  Olga Stolijarov  •  Yim Mi-Yeon
Other Characters
Humans Azov Pomodolvs  •  Blonde Woman  •  Carl  •  Caroline Foster  •  Diana  •  Dianne  •  Elder  •  General Gähnen  •  Guinness Paroru  •  Humphrey Tiger  •  Jason Masuda  •  Korsakov Ulchenko  •  Master Monk  •  Michella Watch  •  Poliz Chief  •  Prince of Freeja  •  Queen Elizabeth  •  Scarred Youth  •  Toby McLachlan  •  U.S. President
Fang Hunters Magdalena  •  Raju Jugei Shizuyoshi
Von Reinherz family Catherine Bates  •  Gabriel von Reinherz  •  Ignatz von Reinherz  •  Mr. von Reinherz  •  Philip Lenore  •  Rebecca von Reinherz
Curious's group Curious
Supernatural beings Brigit  •  Dr. Gamimotz  •  God of Chow  •  High Priest Rudarda  •  Insect
Celestials Chaos  •  Cosmos  •  Riga El Menuhyut
Anime-only characters Benjamin Macbeth  •  Black  •  Emma Macbeth  •  King of Despair  •  White
Organizations Dead Links  •  Hellsalem's Lot Police Department  •  Gargambino family  •  Gel-Shepherds  •  Kuzumi gang  •  League of High Order Spirituals  •  Libra  •  Majestic Liberation Front  •  Namejiri gang  •  Slime Up Both Worlds  •  Snakebite Clan  •  The Trade Show for Unidentified Outlaw Organizations  •  The Screaming Reverse Executioners Society  •  Thirteen Kings  •  Valhalla Dynamics  •  Von Reinherz family  •  Werewolf Bureau

